Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23 - Forward in Faith

We're reading just a portion of the great passage in Hebrews. You can read the whole passage at Bible Gateway.

The history of religion is fascinating (at least for me.) I made reference today to the beginnings of Judaism around 2,000 BC. You should know that with a few exceptions dates from the Old Testament are very shaky. Anything prior to about 580 BC is very uncertain. Many of the events described prior to that time may not even be describing true historical events. The classic text claiming that much of the "history" is not is The Bible Unearthed. On the Reliability of the Old Testament was written partially as a response. Unfortunately it is not nearly as readable as The Bible Unearthed is. Both have their strengths. has a more complete but not too detailed timeline of Christianity than what I provide in the sermon, including our roots in Judaism. Please note that I am not endorsing this website or their views. The timeline is a good one, though, with the caveats in the previous paragraph.

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