I would like to look in greater detail at a whole number of issues that I don't have the time to do right now. I hope to do so later either on this blog or a new one that I'm planning that will address issues of the greater church. For now, please consider the following links to resources that I've found helpful. Some may be helpful for you too.
You will find my sermon at stpaulslenexa.org/media.
A great place to start is Religioustolerance.com. The authors definitely have their own point of view, but they really do strive to present multiple sides to the same issue.
Matthew Vines is the nephew of one of our church members. He also just so happens to be an incredibly well researched and articulate speaker on the subject. His YouTube video of a presentation he made at a United Methodist Church in Wichita went viral and sparked the formation of his own website and non-profit.
Paul Among the People is an outstanding book by Sarah Ruden. Ruden is a classics scholar who brings her understanding of ancient Greek literature to bear on what Paul said to the first readers of his letters. Her focus is Paul, not specifically the Bible and Homosexuality, but her chapter on this topic is fantastic.
Adam Hamilton, pastor at Church of the Resurrection, delivered a great sermon last fall. He comes from a slightly different perspective than I do. The sermon is 45 minutes so he has a chance to share stories of church members and to get more specific than I have with particular passages of Scripture.
There are many, many more wonderful resources. Please feel free to share them in the comments are email me.